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mardi 11 octobre 2016

Criminal Case Grimsborough Main Characters

Grimsborough Police Department

Criminal Case Grimsborough Team
Criminal Case Grimsborough Team consists of six main Characters(not counting the player character), with each of them assigned a particular job:
  •  Samuel King (Chief of Polic) : Reads and reviews case files, issuing orders, giving out new leads whenever necessary, overseeing all police operations, ensuring cops are bringing justice to the city. 
  •  David Jones (Agent) : Works with the player as partners to solve homicide investigations. 
  • Grace Delaney (Lab Chief) : Handles and analyzes all physical, biological, and clinical evidence to help homicide investigators incriminate the killer's identity, and sometimes discovers the murder weapon. Also qualified to handle anatomic forensics. 
  • Nathan Pandit (Chief Medical Examiner) : Autopsies bodies of various murder victims, analyzes the murder weapon if possible, and in the event of Grace's absence, handles physical, biological, anatomic, and clinical evidence)
  • Alex Turner (Tech Expert) : Handles digital and technical evidence to help homicide detectives incriminate the killer's identity. Also issues new leads whenever possible. 
  • Eduardo Ramirez (Field Officer) : Keeps an eye on the suspects, issues new leads if found, and sometimes issues new suspect attributes when needed.